Tuesday, June 2, 2020

CULTURE--TV--Arte Concert--Hope@Home on Tour; United We Stream; Moers Festival (live audience) (14 videos)


May 29: Hope@Home--on tour! Ep. 7 mit Niek Baar und Jacques Ammon--ARTE Concert

May 30: Hope@Home--on tour! Ep. 8 mit Kirill Gerstein--ARTE Concert

May 31: Hope@Home--on tour! Ep. 9 mit Avi Avital, Aydar Gaynullin, Friedrich Liechtenstein--ARTE Concert

Note: playlists for UWS and Moers Festival can sometimes be found in the description. 

United We Stream

May 29: #58 - #58-Heimathafen NK x Vault Series - ARTE Concert

May 30: UWS Global #32 Vietnam: The Lighthouse / Thailand: Safe Room - ARTE Concert

May 30: UWS Global #33 Thailand Glow BKK / Vietnam Arcan HCMC 

May 31: #59 - OYE Records x Badeschiff

June 1: #60 - Metropol x Old but Gold 

June 3: UWS Global #34 Moscow: Arma17

June 3: UWS Global #35 Tehran: Beshknow

June 4: United We Stream Paris--Boombass, Kiddy Smile, Crystallmess, Miley Serious, Crame

Moers Festival (live audience)

May 29: LIVE 29/05/2020 w/Chilly Gonzales and more!--ARTE Concert

May 30: LIVE 30/05/2020--ARTE Concert

June 1: LIVE 01/06/2020 w/The Notwist, MariĆ” Portugal, Richard Scott and more--ARTE Concert

Arte Concert: Videos ; Playlists