Tuesday, May 26, 2020

SPORTS--Other Sports--Gymnastics--International Gymnastics Federation (4 videos)

May 20: FIG WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP REPLAY: 2019 Rhythmic Gymnastics Hoop FINAL

May 23: FIG WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP REPLAY: 2019 Double-Mini Trampoline Men's FINAL

May 23: FIG WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP REPLAY: 2019 Double-Mini Trampoline Women's FINAL

May 27: FIG WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP REPLAY: 2019 Artistic Gymnastics Men's Vault FINAL

FIG; Videos ; Playlists

Federation International de Gymnastique: click on "Disciplines" then on the individual disciplines for men and women. This will link you to a short Youtube video about each (presentation, on the right side of each page), as well as information about the apparatus and elements of program:
Men's artistic: 6 events
Women's artistic: 4 events
Rhythmic: 5 events
Trampoline and Tumbling: 4 events
Parkour (forthcoming)